The Dog Detective in Ohio

Caleb’s Training:

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Why use a Dog?

  • A dog specifically trained for bed bug detection will give you quicker and more accurate results. A study from the University of Florida shows a 98% success rate.
  • Dogs have been used for years by law enforcement and the government to detect bombs, drugs and locate missing persons.
  • Dogs are loyal and honest- they work only for food and attention, there is no hidden agenda.
  • Dogs properly trained and certified are recognized in court as a “scientific instrument”.
  • Dogs can track a scent through snow, air, mud, water, ash and even a pile of laundry.
  • Dogs help you “go green”
  • Dogs require less time than human inspectors
  • Research has proven their ability to discriminate live bugs and viable eggs from dead bugs, fecal matter and cast skins.
  • Dogs are efficient at finding live bed bugs at low infestation levels.
  • Field evidence shows that one viable vs non-viable stage egg can be detected.

Why IronHeart Certification is Important:

  • NESDCA was formed by pest control professionals to ensure the highest standards for entomology scent detection canines are upheld.
  • Committed to requiring all entomology scent detection K-9 teams obtain accreditation before performing inspections.
  • NESDCA is Committed to:
    • Uniting and assisting all entomology scent detection canine teams in the training and continued improvement of all entomology scent-detecting work dog teams, regardless of who the team was trained by.
    • Improving the image of the entomology scent-detecting canine team.
    • Educating consumers about the benefits of using properly trained entomology scent detecting dog teams in the process of locating, and eradicating pest problems.
    • Contributing to and participating in entomology related research

We are ready to solve your Bed Bug Case!